We help you find the good family experiences!

Inderdalen Farm
Inderdalen Farm is a treasure chest for visitors who appreciate a farm holiday and the countryside heritage of Northern Norway. The owners have diligently restored their farm, as well as tools and other objects that have been used by previous generations through the centuries. What better way to honour this
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Korgfjellet: a short hike to Murfjellet
If magnificent scenery and great outdoor adventures are a priority on your holiday, then you would be wise to not speed through the Korgfjellet Tunnel. Sadly, if you do, you will miss out on an incredible mountain experience. At Korgfjellet mountain pass, you can take delight in one of our
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Rabothytta – Norway’s finest unstaffed DNT cabin!
According to the vote of many satisfied Norwegian hikers, in the summer of 2020! Rabothytta (DNT cabin no. 500) is dramatically situated at 1200 metres altitude, the very edge of the Okstindbreen glacier. The cabin enjoys a stunning view of the glacier, as well as the Okstindan mountain range and
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With a base here, you can explore all of Helgeland
Come stay with us here in the Okstindan Nature & Culture Park at the heart of Helgeland! Our districts offer great hiking and other outdoor adventures, as well as rewarding cultural experiences – and our neighbours have a lot to offer as well! How about a visit to Vitensenter Nordland,
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Snowmobile trail through magnificent landscapes
With a snowmobile and a Trail Card permit, you can spend many wonderful hours exploring the mountains of Hemnes. If you have trail cards for the neighbouring municipalities as well, you can follow snowmobile trails that take you far south, almost all the way down to Trøndelag County. If everyone
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Trimpoeng – Active in Hemnes
Aktiv i Hemnes 2024 is a free activity campaign for absolutely everyone in Hemnes, including visitors to the municipality. With help from the Trimpoeng app, all trips can be registered and you get different points based on the length and degree of difficulty of the trip. Everyone who reaches a
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On a trip with a canoe and kayak
Helgeland has many beautiful rivers, lakes and fjords, but in general there are far too few opportunities for kayak or canoe rental. Guests staying at Korgen Camping or Bjerka Camping are able to rent canoes there. If you are staying at Stekvasselv Gård, they too offer the use of their
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Svartebukta – a popular recreation area
The park is situated at a lake cove called Svartebukta, at the start of the Wilderness Road (Villmarksveien) and near Korgen’s community centre (Samfunnhus). Families and young and old come here to picnic, walk around the shore, play or get some exercise. During the Korgen Summer Festival and other cultural
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With enthusiasm, creativity and a solid dose of courage, the multi-artist Yvonne Rosten and her husband Magnar Vedal have transformed what was once a bank room into a home, art gallery, ballroom – and an airbnb apartment (not available in 2023). Walking around the building is an experience. There is
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