Okstindbreen glacier

Perhaps the oldest glacier in Norway…

Okstindbreen is Norway’s eighth largest glacier and covers an area of approximately 46 km2. The highest elevation is approximately 1,580 meters and the lowest elevation is approximately 750 meters. You will find snowy expanses as well as rock-hard blue ice – and glacier arms extend in every compass direction. Glaciologists who have studied it closely believe that one of the two main glaciers of the massif, Austre Okstindbre, is the oldest glacier in Norway. In fact, their studies indicate that this may be the only Norwegian glacier that has existed continuously since the end of the last ice age, about 9000 years ago.

Rabothytta, magnificently situated 1200 metres above sea level, at the glacier’s edge, is an excellent starting point for a glacier hiking, whether on foot, snowshoes or skis. All in all the massif contains six distinct glaciers, one of which is named after the French explorer and mountaineer, Charles Rabot.

The most common route to ascend Oksskolten (1916 metres above sea level) takes you from Kjensvasshytta cabin across Austre Okstindbreen glacier. This route is often windy, and you may encounter wide crevasses, some of which may be covered by fresh snow. Needless to say, the trek across the glacier requires extreme caution! Crampons and being on a rope are an absolute must. You can rent crampons from the Hemnes Trekking Association.

NB: If there is a lot of snow on the glacier, you must be extra careful. More useful information can be found in the link Plan your Okstindan hike.