An enthusiastic team filled with creative joy!

Hasvo loves a creative challenge and satisfies incredibly varied requests. For instance, our team has produced everything from trail signposts and information boards to promotional t-shirts, cookie- and breadboxes, and glass souvenirs.

Our Carpentry Workshop produces benches, tables and even bus shelters. The skilled people at the “Laser” provide print and engravings on all kinds of surfaces and materials. We produce firewood and offer laundry and canteen services. In Hemnesberget, Hasvo collaborates with NCP on its production of eco-friendly chairs and tables from recycled plastic. If you need help with a one-time or occasional job, Hasvo’s enthusiastic team is there for you!

Hasvo is a company that offers supported employment, rehabilitation, inclusive activities and social assistance in a positive environment. Our main operations are situated in pleasant premises in the village of Korgen. Altogether, Hasvo has around 45 employees across its six facilities in Korgen and Hemnesberget. Hasvo is part of a national community of over 200 so-called Vekst companies throughout Norway,.

We all stand together, working for growth and inclusive development – always with the human being in focus.