Buvik Farm – your guide to signs of our past

Jan knows the Hemnes area like the back of his hand, and he would be happy to give you a guided tour of its cultural monuments, showing you traces of our past both recent and ancient.

Jan Gaute Buvik runs Buvik Farm. Jan is a retired teacher and an eager practitioner of orienteering, as well as a consultant in the sport in which participants find their way to a series of checkpoints in the wilderness solely with the aid of a map and compass. He is keenly interested in sharing what he knows about hidden cultural treasures. After he retired, he criss-crossed Hemnes countless times, registering and mapping more than a thousand cultural monuments, large and small.

During the summer season, roughly 20 organised excursions are available. These can last from a couple of hours to an entire day. These excursions are quite varied, both in terms of what you will see, the terrain covered, and the physical challenges. You may, for example, see old crofts and homesteads, simple dwellings and shelters deep in the forest, ancient trapping pits, and traces of the area’s timber industry like old sawmills. Some excursions will take you to Sámi settlements, old mines, peat digs and cairns that mark ancient trails.

Participants must be prepared for changing weather conditions. For some of the excursions, refreshments or a snack are included – for others you should bring a packed lunch.

For detailed information about the excursions offered, and contact information for signing up, please see Facebook (link to the right).

Welcome! 🙂