In our district, numerous businesses offer accommodation, dining, outdoor adventures or other exciting experiences. Their offerings are presented in detail throughout our website. In addition, many businesses contribute to our creative and thriving community. Below, you can read more about some of these.

Our valued partners
The Okstindan Nature & Culture Park works on behalf of and collaborates closely with the local business community, local organisations and the public sector. To learn more about each of our valued partners, just click their names below. (More links are being added.) Atelier Grete Langseth Velsvåg Atelier Hilde Strand
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Our valued partners
The Okstindan Nature & Culture Park works on behalf of and collaborates closely with the local business community, local organisations and the public sector. To learn more about each of our valued partners, just click their names below. (More links are being added.) Atelier Grete Langseth Velsvåg Atelier Hilde Strand
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Avisa Hemnes – the local newspaper
Not all municipalities are fortunate to have an independent local newspaper. Therefore, it was worth celebrating, when Avisa Hemnes was established in 2012. Since then, they have disseminated local news to the inhabitants of Hemnes, and contributed to people becoming better acquainted with both each other and the area in
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Tanken Architects
“It starts with that initial impulse, the thought (tanken in Norwegian). And it is present throughout every process, every interaction. By insisting that aesthetics be at the service of function, that initial thought becomes reality.” This is the idea behind Tanken! The love of architectural design that Robin, Lars, Cecilie
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Hasvo loves a creative challenge and satisfies incredibly varied requests. For instance, our team has produced everything from trail signposts and information boards to promotional t-shirts, cookie- and breadboxes, and glass souvenirs. Our Carpentry Workshop produces benches, tables and even bus shelters. The skilled people at the “Laser” provide print
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The Rana Region Business Association
Okstindan Nature and Culture Park and Hemnes Municipality are members of the Rana Region Business Association (Ranaregionen Næringsforening), and work with them and their member companies to make the local business community on Helgeland visible and innovating. At the same time, the business association is a member of Okstindan nature
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Cooperation with Rana region business association (RNF)
The aim of the agreement is to strengthen business work in the Rana region and in Hemnes in particular. The collaboration facilitates competence development, exchange of experience and following up important issues for the business community in Hemnes across industries. A separate business forum will also be established for Hemnes
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Kvitnes sewing studio
“If your favourite shirt has a worn-out collar, I can fix it, just like a good seamstress used to do. There is no need to buy a new one.” The seamstress studio, Kvitnes Systudio, is a welcome addition to Hemnesberget’s business community – and in this age it is an
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Entrepreneur, enthusiast and storyteller
Some people have the energy and drive to really make a difference, in both business and the local community. Torbjørn Skjæran is the founder, owner and chairman of Inveco AS, a private limited company with a business office in Hemnesberget, with the purpose of conducting consulting and investment activities. The
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The author Svein Hammer
Some people have a restless soul and a great creative need. Svein Hammer is a fisherman’s son, raised on Hemnesberget. He went to Trondheim in 1989 to study, and moved back home in 2021. After completing his doctorate, he has constantly tested new opportunities in working life. He has been
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