Salmon fishing in the Røssåga and Leirelva rivers
The Røssåga meanders through large parts of our district, and the river still offers excellent trout and salmon fishing. When English lords discovered our great river and started coming here every summer to fish in the middle of the 19th century, it was not uncommon for them to land a
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Fishing the rivers and lakes
The largest landowner in Helgeland is Statskog, which manages vast areas of wilderness on behalf of Norwegian society. In Okstindan Nature and Culture Park, Statskog has facilitated public access to the area around the Stormyr reservoir (Stormyrbassenget), a popular recreation area that offers good fishing and birdwatching. Statskog rents out
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Fishing the fjord
A boat will enable you to reach many great fishing spots in the Sørfjord. If you’re sailing the coast in your own boat, there are guest harbours available in Hemnesberget, as well as in the villages Bjerka and Finneidfjord. Fortunately, you don’t really need a boat to catch fish. Try
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The management of Røssåga and Leirelva
In the 19th century, it was mostly English salmon orders that came to fish, plus some well-to-do Norwegian guests. They stayed at the farms along the river, and rented boats with beets and often a cook. In this way, they contributed to a much-needed extra income for several farmers. Eventually,
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